DM Tack Rawhide Romal Reins

DM Tack Rawhide Romal Reins

Regular price $750.00

Handcrafted by Dennis Moreland Tack

16 plait Rawhide Romal Reins made of finely hand braided rawhide with 45 buttons and 9 barrel knots. "The popper is hand stamped double and stitched skirting leather.  The romal and reins are connected with an 1/2 inch latigo strap with rawhide balls and loops and the reins have stainless steel swivel snaps. The romal and reins are each 48 inches long and connectors are 12 inches for a total of 108 inches."

Core widths: 3/16 inch for smaller hands and 1/4 inch for bigger hands